
Quote Summary

Monthly Premium

Cover Included

Data Protection

MetLife is a data controller in respect of any customer personal data provided to us. The ways in which MetLife may collect, share or process personal data are explained in MetLife’s Privacy Notice, which forms part of the EverydayProtect policy. MetLife’s Privacy Notice also explains the customer’s rights regarding their personal data.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the MetLife Data Protection Officer at DataProtectionUK@MetLife.com.

  I have read the information about MetLife’s Privacy Notice and I understand the importance of this document and how I can access it.


MetLife will provide you with cover under the EverydayProtect policy (subject to terms and conditions) from the date shown in your policy schedule. You should receive your policy documents within 14 days.

You are under a duty to take reasonable care not to make any false statements and all information you give to MetLife must be true, accurate and complete. If information is untrue, inaccurate or incomplete, the policy cover may be void and any policy benefit payable in respect of a claim may be reduced or declined.

  I have read the statement above. I confirm that I understand the duty and have given true, accurate and complete information to MetLife.