


Sum Assured

Cover Basis

Applicant Details

Applicant Name

Applicant Name

Date of Birth

Smoking Status

Your Personalised Illustration

If you would like to change the monthly premium or amount/length of cover please click to amend your quote details. If any of your personal details are incorrect please click to re-enter these which may result in a different premium being quoted.

Significant exclusions and limitations

  • The plan will never have a cash in value.
  • If you stop paying premiums the policy will lapse and you’ll get nothing back.
  • You must tell if you start to live abroad.
  • It is very important to answer all questions truthfully and accurately otherwise the policy may not pay out in the event of a claim. If you are in any doubt as to what should be disclosed please just disclose it anyway.
  • To make a claim you will need to contact the company at the address/telephone number shown in their key features document. This also sets out the tax treatment of your policy and details about putting your plan into trust.
  • You must tell if there are any changes in your circumstances between now and the start date of your policy.
  • Suicide within the first 12 months is not covered.

Significant Exclusions:

  • Pre-existing conditions (Hive Insurance Services do not provide cover for any pre-existing condition, or any related condition, for which you have suffered signs or symptoms, sought or received medical advice, tests or treatment or taken medication, prescribed or not, in the 3 years before your effective date)
  • AIDS, HIV or ARC
  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Self inflicted injury
  • Acts of negligence and criminal acts


  • The plan will never have a cash in value
  • If you stop paying premiums the policy will lapse and you’ll get nothing back
  • You must contact Hive Insurance Services if you start to live abroad as you may not be covered
  • To make a claim you will need to contact the company at the address/telephone number shown in their key features document. This also sets out the tax treatment of your policy






For your Cignpost Life application

Before you complete your application please confirm that your answers to the following medical questions are correct otherwise the policy may not pay out in the event of a claim

Answer: No

Answer: No

Answer: No

Answer: No

Answer: No

Thank you for updating your answers

Edit my answers

Before You Start

 I have checked my medical question answers above and confirm they are accurate
 I permanently reside in the UK (includes Northern Ireland).
 I am aware of the policy exclusions and understand my pre-existing medical conditions, or any related conditions, are not covered.
 I have read and understood the Hive Insurance Services Policy Summary.
 I have read my personalised Demands And Needs Letter
 I have read and confirm the details in my Application Summary.