Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance: A Lifeline for Those Previously Declined

Finding life insurance can be a daunting task, especially for individuals who have been declined due to health concerns or other reasons.  SaveOnLife offers a solution, providing guaranteed acceptance life insurance for those who have faced challenges in obtaining cover in the past.

Simplified Process for Peace of Mind

SaveOnLife simplifies the process of getting life insurance with features such as online quotes and policies that often require no medical questions. These options make it easier for individuals to secure cover without the typical hurdles.

Comprehensive Coverage Options

SaveOnLife partners with leading UK insurers including LV, Aviva, Legal & General, Vitality Life, and Zurich.   As well as these mainstream Life Insurance providers SaveOnLife also work with more niche providers such as Exeter, MetLife and SunLife.  This broad network allows for a wide range of policy options, ensuring that customers can find the best fit for their needs. Importantly, this service is independent and does not incur any additional fees for customers.

Inclusive Insurance for Various Health Conditions

Post-Serious Health Conditions: SaveOnLife caters to individuals who have had serious health issues such as diabetes, a stroke, cancer, or a heart attack. By offering a range of insurers and guaranteed acceptance policies, the company ensures that coverage is accessible.

Overcoming Previous Declines: Individuals who have been declined by other companies can find new hope with SaveOnLife.  By completing an online quote form, customers can either receive a guaranteed acceptance policy directly or be contacted by an expert to discuss tailored options.

Coverage for Overweight or Obese Individuals: Recognizing the diverse health profiles of applicants, SaveOnLife offers policies for those with higher BMIs. While some providers may charge higher premiums, guaranteed acceptance options remain available to ensure inclusivity.

A Reliable Option for UK Residents

SaveOnLife stands out by providing guaranteed acceptance policies for anyone aged 18-85, aiming to offer coverage to nearly all UK residents. This inclusive approach helps individuals secure life insurance to protect their families, regardless of previous medical or application challenges.

For more information and to get an online quote, visit SaveOnLife and explore the available options to secure your future.

Life Insurance for Overweight and Obese People


If you’re overweight with a BMI of 30 or above, you may have found getting affordable, or any, Life Insurance difficult. One of the reasons for this is that Life Insurance companies consider overweight and obese people to be at a higher risk of developing certain health problems. In this blog post, we will explore some of the options available to individuals who are in this situation.

First, it is important to understand how being overweight or obese can affect your life insurance rates. Insurance companies use a measure called Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine an individual’s risk of health complications. BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, while a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. With Life Insurance a BMI of over 30 will often result in higher premiums but it’s not until a BMI of 35 or above that getting cover at all can be challenging.

Individuals who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk for health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. These health complications can increase the risk of premature death, which makes it more challenging to qualify for life insurance. Additionally, overweight or obese individuals may have a harder time passing a medical exam, which could be required when applying for life insurance.

Despite these challenges, there are still options available for individuals who are overweight or obese. One option is to look for a life insurance company that specialises in high-risk individuals. These may have more lenient underwriting guidelines for individuals who are overweight or obese. However, it is important to note that these policies may have higher premiums than standard life insurance policies.

Another option is to consider a guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy. These policies do not ask any medical questions and are quick and easy to set up. However, these policies may have lower death benefits and higher premiums than traditional life insurance policies.

It is also important to note that losing weight and improving your health can help you qualify for better life insurance rates. If you are overweight or obese, consider making lifestyle changes such as improving your diet and increasing your physical activity. By doing so, you may be able to lower your BMI and reduce your risk of health complications. There are also life insurance policies available that will reward you for getting fit and active, with discounts and cashback on everything from gym memberships to cinema tickets and coffee.

In conclusion, while it may be more challenging to find life insurance as an overweight or obese individual, it is still possible. Consider looking for a high-risk life insurance company, a guaranteed acceptance policy, or making lifestyle changes to improve your health and qualify for better rates. Remember that having life insurance is an important financial decision, and it is worth taking the time to find the right policy for you.

Start your journey today at where you can buy online or get access to a team of expert in obtaining the best value life insurance for people who are overweight or obese.

Do I need Life Insurance?


We’ve been asked a lot of questions about Life Insurance recently and coming up a lot seems to be “Do I need Life Insurance?” and “Is Life Insurance worth it?”

There are lots of different types of Life Insurance but the amount of cover and the type of policy you choose depends primarily on the reason you need Life Insurance.  Firstly, no-one should ever take out a Life Insurance policy simply because they are worried about getting sick or because they are looking to make money.  Standard Life Insurance is not an investment or a cash windfall, it is designed like any insurance to try and ensure that when something bad happens it doesn’t also hit you or your family financially.

A terribly sad fact is that 1 in 29 children will lose a parent before they grow up.  This of course brings unimaginable grief and distress to any family, but it also brings financial consequences.  If a parent works and brings in an income, if they are no longer around, this income will stop.  If another parent looks after the children and they die, there will be either increased childcare costs or a loss of income to accompany the grief.

There is no personal benefit from taking out Life Insurance.  Your £20 per month won’t put a shiny new TV in your living room.  It simply gives you peace of mind that should the worst happen you have protected the people who matter to you.  That if something terrible happens, at least your loved ones won’t have to worry about paying the rent or the mortgage and putting food on the table.

Types of Cover

Essentially there are 3 main types of Life Insurance, each one is designed for the different reasons you might need Life Insurance.

  1.       Level Term Life Insurance – Very simply, you choose the sum assured and the term.  If you die during the term the policy pays out, if you don’t die it doesn’t pay out.
  2.       Mortgage Decreasing Protection – Designed to repay your repayment mortgage if you die so your loved ones don’t have to pay the mortgage.
  3.       Whole of Life Insurance – Typically 4 times the cost of Level Term Life Insurance.  There is no term so this is usually used for funeral expenses or Inheritance Tax planning.

Level Term is cost effective, and so is the most popular form of Life Insurance in the UK.  With Level Term Life Insurance, a question we get asked a lot is “so if I take £200,000 out over 25 years and I’m still alive then I’ve wasted my money?” 

What’s in it for me?

Life Insurance is a selfless act.  It is also one thing you will buy and hope you will never claim on, you hope it will be money for nothing.  It’s not designed so you get £200,000, it is not an investment, and if it was it would cost an awful lot more than it does. The point is, if you are 40 years old and your youngest child is 5 years old, in 25 years time you will be 65 years old and your youngest child will be 30 years old.  The reason you take out Life Insurance when you are 40 years old with young children is very different to the reason you might take out Life Insurance at 65 with no dependent children.  As such the amount of cover and type of policy you need will also very likely be different. 

The aim of Life Insurance is to have enough cash to cover the lack of income if you’re gone. So if you’ve no partner or children who need the money then you probably don’t need Life Insurance.

 If you do have a partner or children, it’s important to consider the financial impact if you died.

You would be looking for a lump sum that’s enough to repay any outstanding debt (including a mortgage if you don’t have a separate policy), and provide for outgoings your dependants would have in future years.

Term Time

The term time has less of an impact on the cost of the policy than the sum assured, but generally the longer the term the more the cover costs.  Some people still fall into the trap of thinking they should maximise the chances of the policy paying out and looking for a 40 or 50 year term.  This pushes the cost right up, and for many people means you are paying a lot more money now, to protect your children when they are in their 40s or 50s and you have long since retired.  Instead, consider at what age your children will no longer be financially dependent upon you, possibly after full time education will have finished for example.  Doing this will keep the cost down and ensure your policy protects what it needs to.  You can always look at a funeral expenses or funeral plan policy when the term policy finishes.  Again, with Term Life Insurance, your main hope should be you will never claim on it as that will mean you have lived to see your children grow up.  Sadly, not all parents have this luxury.

Those who’ve had serious medical conditions, have a high BMI, and smokers, often pay more for cover. If you already have life insurance and have been nicotine free (including e-cigarettes and patches), it could be worth seeing if a new policy would be cheaper.  The same applies if you took out cover a few years ago when you were overweight or had a poorly controlled health condition which has now improved.

Will it pay out? 

The great thing about Life Insurance is its simplicity.  There isn’t going to be an argument with an insurance company like you may get on other policies.   Was your 70 inch TV really stolen or or is it just stashed in the attic?  If you’re dead, you’re dead so that won’t be disputed.  With a couple of exceptions from new insurers, Life Insurance providers don’t have any exclusions apart from suicide in the first 12 months of the policy and not answering the questions truthfully.  As a result most Life Insurers report claims acceptance rates of between 98% and 99%.

So if you have people who rely on you financially or who rely on you for care, you probably want to make sure you have some Life Insurance.  For most people it costs a lot less than they think.  At you can quickly compare leading providers and as you probably have more exciting things to be doing than answering 50 medical questions, they also have a policy that allows you to get up to £250,000 of cover by answering just 5 questions.  It is a really fast way to protect your family, score this one off the list and get back to enjoying life.